Saturday, November 20, 2010

"Secretary of Shit" John Podesta: stroke of the of the land...kinda cool...

John Podesta was once Bill Clinton’s Chief of Staff. He also worked on the Obama regime’s transition team after Obama won the election in 2008. Now John Podesta is the head of George Soros funded Center for American Progress. As is typical for progressive liberals who can’t deal with the fact that their idelogy was rejected in the midterm elections, Podesta is calling on Obama to rule via executive order, and other means to circumvent congress.
George Soros crony John Podesta calls on Obama to use “armed forces” to push left wing agenda...

From THE NEW YORKER (2/2/1998) we learn that:
John Podesta, the former staff secretary, used to be known around the West Wing as the Secretary of Shit, because he was so often charged with trying to dispose of such messes as Whitewater and Travelgate. Jordan, one source said, is “the off-the-books Secretary of Shit. He’s the guy on the outside who has to pick up after the elephant.”
DISOVERTHENETWORKS.ORG provides an even deeper look into his role in the Clinton administration which shockingly provides a cold water wake-up call to conservatives about what has been going on beneath our noses for longer than we care to admit:
From January 1993 to 1995, Podesta worked as a White House staff secretary and Assistant to President Clinton.

He served as Counselor to Democratic Senate Leader Thomas Daschle from 1995 to 1996 and then returned to the White House, where he finished out the last years of the Clinton administration -- first as Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief of Staff (1997-98) and then as Chief of Staff (October 1998 to January 2001).

During his years in the Clinton White House, Podesta helped suppress numerous federal investigations into Clinton wrongdoing, and helped short-circuit the Clinton impeachment proceedings through backroom deals.

The Clintons recognized Podesta's talent for scandal-suppression early. While still a mere staff secretary at the White House in 1993, Podesta found himself swamped with so many scandal clean-up assignments that he nicknamed himself, "Secretary of [Expletive]." "He's good at it," James Carville remarked to the Washington Post.

Podesta's most lasting contribution to the leftist cause came through his promotion of a strategy that White House aides dubbed "Project Podesta." This was a system that enabled the Clintons to push through unpopular policies that neither Congress nor the American people wanted. Its implementation marked a dramatic tilt in the balance of power, giving the executive branch an unprecedented ability to force its will on the legislative branch.

Project Podesta enabled the President to bypass Congress through the use of executive orders, presidential decision directives, White-House-sponsored lawsuits, vacancy appointments to high federal office, selective regulatory actions against targeted corporations, and a host of other extra-constitutional tactics.

In short, Podesta showed the Clintons that they could gain by force what they might fail to achieve through legislation. "Stroke of the pen. Law of the land. Kind of cool," quipped White House aide Paul Begala to The New York Times on July 5, 1998, in response to questions about the Clintons' growing disdain for the will of Congress.
An interesting side-note which would be funny if it didn't involve a person who was supposed to be a stable, rational, serious person in a high position of power: John Podesta: Clinton's X-Files Man
The Washington Post also referenced Podesta "fanatical devotion to the X-Files." They quoted Clinton Press Secretary Mike McCurry who stated, "John can get totally maniacal and phobic on certain subjects. He’s been known to pick up the phone and call the Air Force and ask them what’s going on in Area 51."

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