Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Relationship hell

During a White House meeting to negotiate an economic-stimulus package, Mr. Obama and a group of Republicans including Mr. Boehner argued over the balance of tax breaks and spending in the president's plan. Mr. Obama eventually reminded the gathering, "I won"—a power play [emphasis mine] noted by all.
Obama-Boehner Rift Looms Over Washington

The next two years, according to all estimates, are going to be really bad...but the root of the problem started with the "I won" approach to so-called "bipartisanship" (truly an amateur move).

I decided to review PolitiFact's "broken promises" and I've just emailed them with a request to update it further--it's been about a year since they re-evaluated "Barack Obama Campaign Promise No. 522": Obameter
UPDATE 1/19/10: ...we've decided to add it to the Obameter database because, even though it is more abstract than the other promises we've cataloged, it was a central part of Obama's campaign.

The phrase "relationship hell" came to mind (not fun for them, but hell for well-being of our republic) and I found this poignant statement below--just had to share :-)

You walk on eggshells. You fear fallout yet wish for it. You say something then wish you hadn’t. You know that no matter how innocent or insignificant the conflict, whatever occurs will get magnified out of all proportion. Innocent statements will be misinterpreted, misquoted and repeated incorrectly forever. You feel trapped by what is supposed to be love but have second thoughts (actually a million thoughts!) about how love is supposed to feel.

You are usually wrong and you are told you are stupid. When you admit fault, even stupidity, you are at fault for admitting it. When you are right you are wrong for saying so, or you think you are perfect and trying to show others up. If you are silent you are avoiding conflict. If you speak out you are “looking for trouble.”

In your intimate whirlpool white is black, black is white and the water is very murky. Innocence is guilt. Pointing out obvious error is entrapment. You are exhausted with the load of meeting the emotional needs of someone who cannot or will not take responsibility for their own needs. You “share” life with an emotional piranha and yet, for some unfathomable reason, you stay, feeling unable to escape.

BTW, if you ever decide to blog AND tweet something at the same time, it's called a "bleet" according to definition #2 (definition #1 is X-RATED and I don't know what the heck definition #3 is talking about)!

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