Sunday, November 07, 2010

Mumbai's workforce discovers what Americans already know: Obama costs you a lot of money, dude!

Obama's just a fancy pants gigolo with a big wide smile, empty words and a hand always in your pockets...he's just another grifter who put one over on the American people.
His visit may appear to be popular among Indian people, but much of Mumbai's workforce can't wait for Barack Obama to leave.

Taxi drivers, street vendors and fishermen have complained they can barely afford to eat after the city was turned into a fortress for the state visit.

All major roads have been blocked in India's financial capital - leaving taxi drivers without work for five days.

Sandeep Jaiswal, 22, said he had earned just £2 in five days - compared with £21 on a normal day.

'We have been left out of business. Because of him we are sitting idle for days now.

'First of all I was excited the American President was coming to my city but now I request him to leave us as soon as possible so that we could earn our bread and butter.'
Diwali disco fever: Reluctant President Obama joins in with school children's dance floor celebrations

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