Friday, November 19, 2010

More on Obama’s records: the problem is not in lack of evidence…

Now Obama’s cronies are coming with a new story, claiming that there was a typo in his application for his Social Security number. They are saying that he has a CT Social security number because of a typo. It is hard to believe that there was a typo, but even if you were to give him and his supporter’s a benefit of a doubt, that does not explain:

1. 1890 birthdate in multiple databases, which is associated with this Social Security number.

2. his unwillingness to present his original birth certificate, which shows guilty mind, it shows he has something to hide.

3. multiple SS numbers in different databases.

4. his name Soebarkah in his mother’s passport.

5. redactions in his stepfather’s immigration records.

6. fraudulent statement on his bar application.

7. his Indonesian school registration under the name Soetoro.

8. his unwillingness to provide his university records

9 the fact that he used a different Social Security number, while serving in Senate

and so much more...

If you look at the picture in totality, you will find too many inconsistencies, which cannot be explained by one typo. The only reasonable explanation to this total picture is massive fraud and treason, for which he needs to be criminally prosecuted after he is removed from office.

The problem is not in lack of evidence in building a case against Barack Hussein Obama. The problem is in lack of integrity of some people, who are entrusted by their Oath of Office to review this evidence. We had a massive failure of all the safeguards, protecting us as citizens against such fraud. It is up to you to continue demanding from your elected officials and law enforcement at each level to act. They need to act now and hold everyone involved accountable.

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