Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Michael Kinsley: "This conceit that we’re the greatest country ever may be self-immolating."

This is a crock for so many reasons, one of which is that it makes no sense: Self-immolation is a suicide by fire, often committed for political or moral reasons as a form of protest.

So this "conceit" just may, might, might possibly, perhaps make "us" (all of us???) set ourselves on fire for political or moral reasons...hey, dude: not me. You can set your own damn self on fire if you want to.

And the next sentence - "If people believe it’s true, they won’t do what’s necessary to make it true." - is such pop psycho-babble it just makes you want to puke. Who says? What about our whole history of actual, yes real, exceptionalism?

I remember this guy when he got booted from the Los Angeles Times several years ago (and he had that job because of his wife).

No wonder these leftist morons got booted out today!

U.S. is not greatest country ever

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