Thursday, October 21, 2010

The rich get richer...

Remember when Democratic Rep Alan Grayson from Florida said Republicans just want you to die quickly?

Well, here's proof that Obama and the Democrats want YOU to die quickly:
The definition of who is "rich" has changed mightily over this campaign.

A year ago, Barack Obama called anyone making a million bucks rich. It was a big number, a round number, an easy to remember number.

Then it went down, and down some more. And now with Biden slip [$150,000 a year], maybe down still more...
So, the more people they start defining as "rich," the more of us that fit into this category: Hormone Found In Rich People Linked To Longer Life

That's a LOT more people fitting into the category that Democrats want to do away with (it all boils down to voter demographics...know many rich people that wanna vote for these jerks???)

Socialism and communism are such handy ways to do away with all of us (just ask Saul Alinsky, or Mao, or Chavez...or Obama...)

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