Saturday, October 09, 2010

Michelle Obama has no shame

Apparently, Michelle Obama knows no shame. Just coming back from a whirlwind summer of elegant soirées, a sumptuous vacation abroad, and a jet-setting Martha's Vineyard junket on a multimillion-dollar estate, first lady Michelle Obama has sent a mass mailing panhandling America's poor to stuff the campaign coffers of the rich Democrat pols, the same pols whose legislation has impoverished the people and left them jobless.

This, my fellow Americans, is the stuff of wretched regurgitation.

It simply does not get any more vulgar than this. Begging handouts from the unemployed and struggling masses while treating yourself to profligate parties and trips is typical of the wives of third-world dictators. Imelda Marcos, anyone?
Michelle Obama Panhandles Poor for Rich Democrat Pols

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