Friday, October 22, 2010

An Iraqi view of the WikiLeaks 'doc dump' scandal

***At 5pm EST Friday 22nd October 2010 WikiLeaks released the largest classified military leak in history.***

[Interesting how convoluted the desire to be truthful for 'high purposes' can end up justifing the down-and-dirty reality that real lives are sacrificed in the process...isn't that what they were protesting about in the first place?]

From the courageous Iraqi dentist who started his blog "Healing Iraq" in October, 2003:
The reports in the archive disclosed by WikiLeaks offer an incomplete, yet startlingly graphic portrait of one of the most contentious issues in the Iraq war — how many Iraqi civilians have been killed and by whom.

The reports make it clear that most civilians, by far, were killed by other Iraqis.
A Grim Portrait of Civilian Deaths in Iraq

And from another Iraqi blog also started in 2003--award-winning "Iraq the Model: New points of view about the future of Iraq and the Middle East"--which hasn't posted about the WikiLeaks document dump yet, but has this very interesting commentary on the surge in Afghanistan:
In Iraq the situation was different. Terrorists alienated the population with their brutality, while the government and U.S. forces offered brighter and more viable alternatives. By the time the surge started, Awakening tribes were already chasing down al-Qaeda.
Realities, rules, relationships won't help surge succeed

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