Monday, October 25, 2010

11/30/10: the day the government takes over the Internet?

This is one of the most important battles ever waged in Washington – and precious little is known about it outside the Beltway.

What we are talking about is Internet reclassification. What that means is the FCC – which by its own admission doesn’t have authority over the Web – would just vote itself said authority. By reclassifying the Internet – so that it would be subject to the same rules as landline telephones.

The FCC has long had tremendous power over landline telephones, which is why there has been so much incredible innovation with them these last 70+ years. (Note: tremendous sarcasm here.)

The FCC has no power over the Internet because the FCC doesn’t have power over anything until Congress writes a law saying they do. And Congress has never done this for the FCC with the Internet...
November 30th, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) could potentially engage in one of the largest federal power grabs we have ever seen.

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