Sunday, September 12, 2010

This should really piss you off

Last night I watched The Path To 9/11, a monumental endeavor by Writer / Director / Producer Cyrus Nowrasteh that you would expect would be shown on television every single year since its initial broadcast in 2006. Americans, and their children, need to remember and learn, if they were too young, what happened on 9/11 and we need to bond together as we seek to find an emotional outlet for our anger and sorrow.

But, no.

I am lucky--my husband and I obtained a DVD last year that we can watch every year, and we will. But you can't--because of the Democrats. They don't want any part of America's history and they won't let you have it either. Their politicians and their rich donors just want to sew up this country and use it as their personal change purse.

The writer explains:
Written and Produced by Cyrus Nowrasteh, THE PATH TO 9/11 became the most controversial miniseries in television history.

Two weeks before broadcast, Part One of the two-night miniseries was shown to a packed crowd at the National Press Club. Richard Ben-Veniste, former lawyer for President Bill Clinton and a member of the 9/11 Commission, got up after the screening to voice objections to what he perceived as the bias of the filmmakers for their portrayal of Mr. Clinton’s handling of the terrorist threats in the ’90s. This launched a national campaign from Mr. Clinton’s political spin machine to stop the miniseries from its scheduled airing on September 10th and 11th, 2006, the fifth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

This campaign was supported by Democratic Party members of Congress, led by Harry Reid and Charles Schumer, who sent a letter to Disney/ABC threatening revocation of their station licenses if they didn’t pull or recut the miniseries. Cyrus Nowrasteh was the only one from the production who stood up to this national assault on creative expression and defended the miniseries.

Disney CEO Bob Iger, however, caved to pressure and cut three minutes out of the program to mollify the attackers. Regardless, the miniseries aired to phenomenal ratings numbers, finishing 2nd on night 1 and 1st on night 2, thanks to 28 million viewers. Despite this huge success, Mr. Iger refused to allow a DVD of the miniseries to be released, and the program has never been seen again.
You have to wonder how Disney CEO Bob Iger would be allowed, by shareholders, to ignore an opportunity to not only show this on television every year, but to continue, to this day, to refuse any and all offers to reproduce and distribute this incredible production on DVD.

Listen to this angry shareholder who wants to know too:

2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders

Two years later, documentarian John Ziegler made a film entitled BLOCKING THE PATH TO 9/11: The Anatomy of a Smear.

Watch it.

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