Sunday, September 19, 2010

A subversive, dangerous media is shilling for our mortal enemy

Think of what happened to this American citizen last week: Cartoonist Molly Norris in hiding after terrorist threats

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The media knows that American citizens (real Americans--the ones who actually love this country) do not approve of Sharia creep or anyone or anything that enables this creeping Sharia/stealth jihad around the world.

But the media is in progressive pockets everywhere and so they must have a strategy to deal with us: we're in the way of "progress"--the heist--and in the way of the diversitists who are busy bifurcating the "e pluribus unum" to infinity with the frenzy of echolocating bats.

But, still, I am shocked by just how low they will go:


led to the slaughter by those who were there to protect
nailed to the cross then put on display to dissect
dignity stripped like flesh being ripped from the bone
sentence: death by mongrels to which you are thrown

here comes the pack
come to attack
blood in their eyes
no compromise
thrown to the wolves
left there to die

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