Friday, September 24, 2010

So you think Obama's provided a birth certificate already...

Excerpts from Best-seller: Obama has not proved birthplace - Sole document released leaves open possibility he was born outside Hawaii
There are major, important differences between the COLB Obama has produced and a long-form birth certificate. An official long-form birth certificate is an exact photocopy of the original birth record prepared by the hospital or attending physician at the time of a child's birth. Such a document usually includes parents' information (address of residence, race, birthplace, date of birth, etc.), additional information on the child's birthplace and information on the doctors who assisted in the birth. The long form also usually includes the signature of the doctor involved and of at least one of the parents.

The short form COLB which Obama has made public is a computer-generated certification that lists the child's name, date of birth, gender, place of birth and time, and the names of Obama's parents. No birth hospital or doctor is listed.

In 1961, the year of Obama's birth, there were a number of ways to obtain a Hawaiian COLB that would leave open the possibility of the child being born outside the state.

One way included one parent providing the state with proof of residence in Hawaii as well as a pre-natal and post-natal certification by a physician. The pre-natal report would certify the mother was pregnant. The post-natal report would certify an examination of a newborn baby. This leaves open the possibility of a child being born outside of Hawaii but still receiving a state COLB.

Other methods included obtaining a "Delayed Certificate," but that would be noted on the certificate itself.

Meanwhile, even today it is still possible to obtain a COLB for a child born outside of Hawaii, the book found.

Two Hawaiian newspaper announcements from 1961 support the assertion of Obama's Hawaiian birth. However, both the newspapers in question, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and the Honolulu Advertiser, simply reprint birth information they receive from Hawaii's Department of Health, meaning Obama's parents did not have to place the announcements in the papers.

"Fukino's extremely careful statement actually raises more questions than it answers. Which documents did she review? Was she referring only to Obama's short-form COLB? Perhaps she was referring to pre-natal and post-natal certifications that could technically allow for a parent to obtain a COLB for a child not born in Hawaii."

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