Sunday, September 26, 2010

On Thursday, for reasons that are almost inexplicable, multiple leaders in the House and Senate sounded the "impossibility" of being able to prevent the largest tax-hike in history for being implemented on ALL tax-payers (including the middle class.)

The Democratic Leadership in the Congress made a pretty big strategic mistake on Thursday. They, for all intent and purposes, announced that they will raise your taxes on January 1, 2011. They did so plainly, and I tend to believe them. They did so without remorse. They did so acting as though no one would really care. And they did so after--for weeks--publicly discussing the possibility of retaining the current tax rates.

They did so, though they have been warned that in doing so they would deliver a crushing blow to small businesses in America. It is important to admit and to be as transparent as possible: when you hurt small business in America, you hurt the working men and women of America. You hurt families. You hurt those you care about most.
Dems: We Will Hammer The Poor

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