Saturday, September 25, 2010

The Obamacare Disaster Heartland Institute Policy Study

Read Policy No. 128 The Obamacare Disaster - by Peter Ferrara

This Heartland Policy Study has explained how Obamacare represents nothing less than a government takeover of health care in America. It will cause spending to skyrocket, care to be rationed, and taxes and government deficits to rise. It breaks all the promises candidate and then President Obama made about access to care, taxes, and the deficit. And it was all unnecessary: Much simpler reforms could have been adopted providing for a complete health care safety net, ensuring that everyone will have access to essential health care. Real health care reform would provide maximum power, control, and choice to patients and the doctors they have chosen for their health care. The key to making that work is not more government control and spending, but reforms that provide patients with market incentives to control the costs of their care, eliminating all forms of thirdparty health care rationing.

Obamacare is a disaster. Rather than liberate the American health care system from bureaucracy and waste, it blankets it with more of both, suffocating innovation and destroying freedom. The result is a system that is inconsistent with the freedom, prosperity, high living standards, and traditions of the American people.

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