Sunday, September 19, 2010


The following are the number of incidents of mass murder (four or more victims) reported by police in the United States from 1980 to 2008, and how many people died.

State ...... Incidents ... Deaths

Alabama ............ 8 ...... 36

Alaska ............. 5 ...... 29

Arizona ........... 12 ...... 54

Arkansas .......... 12 ...... 56

California ....... 118 ..... 565

Colorado ........... 9 ...... 44

Connecticut ....... 16 ...... 83

Delaware ........... 2 ....... 8

District of Columbia 0 ....... 0

Florida ........... 62 ..... 279

Georgia ........... 17 ...... 77

Hawaii ............. 2 ...... 10

Idaho .............. 4 ...... 17

Illinois .......... 39 ..... 181

Indiana ........... 27 ..... 116

Iowa ............... 5 ...... 26

Kansas ............. 6 ...... 30

Kentucky ........... 8 ...... 42

Louisiana ......... 27 ..... 115

Maine .............. 3 ...... 12

Maryland .......... 20 ...... 93

Massachusetts ..... 10 ...... 57

Michigan .......... 52 ..... 229

Minnesota .......... 8 ...... 37

Mississippi ........ 6 ...... 26

Missouri .......... 21 ..... 100

Montana ............ 1 ....... 4

Nebraska ........... 3 ...... 13

Nevada ............. 6 ...... 35

New Hampshire ...... 3 ...... 12

New Jersey ........ 25 ..... 125

New Mexico ......... 4 ...... 20

New York .......... 84 ..... 441

North Carolina .... 22 ...... 93

North Dakota ....... 2 ....... 8

Ohio .............. 41 ..... 203

Oklahoma .......... 14 ..... 229

Oregon ............. 7 ...... 30

Pennsylvania ...... 49 ..... 234

Rhode Island ....... 1 ....... 6

South Carolina .... 15 ...... 71

South Dakota ....... 2 ....... 8

Tennessee ......... 20 ...... 94

Texas ............. 78 ..... 363

Utah ............... 9 ...... 49

Vermont ............ 5 ...... 23

Virginia .......... 26 ..... 130

Washington ........ 15 ...... 73

West Virginia ...... 9 ...... 44

Wisconsin .......... 9 ...... 47

Wyoming ............ 2 ....... 8

Total ............ 965 ... 4,685

Source: Most information obtained from the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Report, although some information from Florida and the District of Columbia was obtained by Scripps Howard News Service using Freedom of Information laws.

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