Thursday, September 30, 2010


I got this from an active Border Patrol agent who wrote the following:
This from a friend in ICE (I Can’t Enforce):
Subject: Mexico asks the US to stop deporting criminals

Well, I already can’t deport aliens unless they have a non-immigration, criminal record. I’d like to think that logic and rational thought would prevail when considering the request made in the article below.

But we work for the government, so who knows.

I currently have an IA who is a drug suspect in one of my cases. He’s been deported twice in the past. If I can’t get enough evidence on him, I’m pretty sure they won’t let me deport him again.

That was the one amazing tool in the toolbox that ICE could use in criminal investigations that others could not. If all else fails, deport him. It’s one of the reasons why the locals and other agencies love (or loved, I should say) having us on task forces.

We had to sit through an 8 hour training yesterday put on by Microsoft, Proctor and Gamble, Phizer and a few other places concerning the pressing national security threat to the United States made by the importation and sale of counterfeit products normally made by their companies. I’m sure it was for national security reasons, and not because it hurts their companies profit margins.

It could have been summed up in an email just as easily. “Guess what? Counterfeit products are being imported and sold in this country. Some of the money, but not a huge percentage, from those sales go to support organized crime and terrorism.” Gee, thanks for the new intel. Never heard that before.

My new mantra is, “My check will hit my checking account on check will hit my checking account on Monday...”

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