Monday, August 16, 2010

Signup for American First Principles' Towne Crier Monthly Digest

American First Principles Towne Crier
(Monthly Digest)

The American First Principles Towne Crier is published on or about the 15th of each month.
Thank you for subscribing to American First Principles' Towne Crier Monthly Digest. Every month we bring you the latest and best of the articles and postings to this site that track the ongoing soap opera that is our current government and the efforts to undermine freedom and our national security.
Vol.1 No.11 August 2010

Islamo-Fascists to Build Mosque Steps Away from the 9/11 Site

In a stunning insult to the families of the 9/11 victims, Islamist scum are planning the construction of the Cordoba House, a mosque and cultural center. It will be built just steps from the 9/11 site where 3000 people lost their lives when jihadists flew planes into the Twin Towers.

Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf, who helped found the Cordoba Initiative following the 9/11 attacks, said the project is intended to foster better relations between the West and Muslims. We at Neville feel safer already

For those not in the know, Cordoba was the capital of the Islamic Emirate of Al-Andalus (Andalusia) in Spain, seized by Muslim invaders from Africa in 711 and recaptured by Spanish Christians under Ferdinand III of Castille in 1236. What better indication could there be of the Islamic intent to make America a Moslem Al-Andalus Emirate?

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Islamo-Fascists to Build Mosque Steps Away from the 9/11 Site -- Pt. 2

The New York based Landmarks Preservation Commission has voted unanimously to deny landmark status to a building two blocks from the World Trade Center site that developers want to tear down and convert into an Islamic community center and mosque.

The decision has cleared the way for the Islamist scum, including CAIR, and the Islamic apologists and enablers on the left , to begin construction near Ground Zero.

The decision drew praise from the idiot Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who called the mosque project a key test of Americans' commitment to religious freedom. Bloomberg would have been very comfortable collaborating with the Nazis in WWII.

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Obama Unmasked: Announces His Support of Ground Zero Victory Mosque has announced that our not-so-newly-minted Muslim President and Fraudinator-in-Chief's support for the Ground Zero Victory Mosque. What took you so long Barack? I guess you were waiting for the controversy to really heat up so that you could, once again, be on the wrong side of a clear majority of Americans.

Of course, this was perfectly predictable. After nineteen months of bowing to "kings" and dictators, blaming America for all of the evils in the is world, four Islamist attacks on U.S. soil, trying to have the KSM trial in N.Y., wrecking the economy by turning a mild recession into a prolonged one, why not slap the 9/11 families and the American people around a little more and poke a sharp stick in our eye.

Obama's not alone in this insanity. Mayor Bloomberg, NY Attorney General Cuomo and any number Democratic congressmen, many of them suicidal Jews, and Liberal commentators are falling all over themselves in their desire to "out-tolerance" the next one.

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Oliver Stone Comes Out: Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic

Oliver Stone's true colors finally emerged after years of anti-Americanism and acceptance by the morally perverse Hollywood community. He felt comfortable enough come out as a Jew hater that he always was. What a surprise. He's now right up there with Helen Thomas, Vanessa Redgrave and Jimmy Carter.

In an interview with The Sunday Times of London Oliver Stone said that Hitler caused more damage to the Russian people than to Jewish people, but that the American focus on the Holocaust stems from the "Jewish domination of the media."

Stone: "Hitler was a Frankenstein but there was also a Dr Frankenstein," Stone said "German industrialists, the Americans and the British. He had a lot of support...

"Hitler did far more damage to the Russians than to the Jewish people, 25 or 30 million killed."

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America vs Obama and the Ruling Elite

You can feel it more and more…the elites don't care what you think or how you vote. And no matter how far our Fraudinator-in-Chief's poll numbers sink he keeps getting what he wants either by judicial or regulatory fiat, or Congressional chicanery due to the large Democrat majorities in Congress.

The country is coming to slow boil as the east and west coast elites remain locked in their ivory towers. Let them eat cake.

We are coming to a boil because of the $862 billion "stimulus" that turned into a welfare program for bankrupt states and public unions. We are coming to a boil because of the $700 billion TARP program that became a giant porkulus program for Democrats and their supporters. We are coming to a boil because of the job-killing duo of ObamaCare, jammed through Congress despite overwhelming opposition by the public at large, and financial reform (FinReg). Obama, Pelosi, Reid and company seem oblivious to the deep and lasting damage they're doing to America's economy.

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American First Principles Towne Crier (Monthly Digest) Signup
The American First Principles Towne Crier is published on or about the 15th of each month.

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