Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Official from Judicial Watch says U.S. government apparently doesn’t consider it a priority to keep undocumented nationals from terrorist-sponsoring nations from roaming freely throughout the country...

In what it termed a reprehensible move for an agency charged with protecting the nation, a non-partisan legal group is reporting that the Department of Homeland Security has released nearly 500 illegal aliens -- who remain fugitives -- from terrorist-sponsoring countries and others known to present a danger to the U.S.

A conservative news web site,, had obtained government records under the Freedom of Information Act. The records show that, the Department of Homeland Security caught and released 481 illegal aliens from nations designated by the State Department as sponsors of terrorism or “countries of interest.”

According to legal eagles at Judicial Watch, these dangerous illegal aliens remain fugitives whose whereabouts are unknown, as proven by Immigration and Customs Enforcement's own database accessed by the news group. All came from four nations that sponsor terrorism -- Iran, Syria, Sudan and Cuba -- or countries determined by the U.S. government to present a threat. Those include Afghanistan, Algeria, Lebanon, Libya, Nigeria, Iraq, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Somalia and Yemen.
Illegal aliens from terrorist nations released in U.S. by DHS

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