Friday, August 06, 2010

Obama's 10 false promises about Obamacare

From Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion:

Promise #1: If you are satisfied with your existing health care arrangement, you can keep it.

Promise #2: Reform will lower America’s health care spending.

Promise #3: Reform will lower Americans’ health care premiums.

Promise #4: Obamacare will not lead to a doctor shortage, or escalate the primary-care physician shortfall.

Promise #5: There will be no government rationing of medical care.

Promise #6: “The firm pledge” – Ninety-five percent of Americans will not see any form of tax increase because of Obamacare (or anything else).

Promise #7: Health care reform won’t add “a single dime” to the deficit—and will actually cut it.

Promise #8: Health care reform will help businesses—employers and employees, alike.

Promise #9: Obamacare will not allow for funding of abortions with taxpayer money.

Promise #10: Obamacare will not only satisfy each of the promises above, but satisfy all of them at the same time with virtually no downsides.

Yeah, They Lied (x 10)

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