Sunday, August 15, 2010

I will say "amen"

Dear PowerLine:

Just read your moving tribute to Jimmy Webb (and Glen Campbell) which ends:
...Webb writes that he has been a fan of Campbell since he first heard "Turn Around and Look At Me" when he was 14. He says that he considers Campbell "the greatest natural entertainer and performer that America has ever produced."

"I used to literally pray that God would let me grow up and be a songwriter and be lucky enough to have Glen Campbell record one of my songs," Webb writes. "I rest my case for the existence of God." Will somebody say amen?
In the '60's I was attending the University of Hawaii (a Music Major and member of the Musicians Union from 1965).

I discovered Richard Harris and, Jimmy Webb...and played those albums over every day for a long time.

After having moved to L.A. (again) in the early '70's so my ex could go to law school at USC, I kept on playing and found myself in a group called "Green" (don't ask) being produced by Jimmy Webb at the infamous Record Plant. I thought I was in Heaven working with him, not to mention the single, crystalline comment forever enshrined in my memory: "I like the way you play piano."


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