Sunday, August 01, 2010

UPDATED: FOIA documents reveal conflicting information for Obama's mother

Updated - Breaking News - 31 July 2010 - For Immediate Release - Some of Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama Soetoro's Passport Application Records Are Released due to Strunk FOIA Filing
Some Stanley Ann Dunham passport file documents are released. Passport office implies in cover letter earliest passport application no longer exists. The earliest 1960/1961 passport application paper work information is missing from this released information. There is an application for amendment of her passport filed in 1965 due to her name change after marrying Lolo Soetoro at Molokai Hawaii on March 15, 1965 per page marked P3 of the released documents. Thus this tells us she had a passport prior to 1965, i.e., prior to marrying Lolo Soetoro. The carefully worded cover letter with the FOIA release implies earlier years records have been purged for some reason. Since passport records are filed in files by name and not in boxes or files by year, this does not make sense. It sounds to me like HI officials (or whoever controls them) are now instructing the U.S. Passport Office how to obfuscate and parse sentences in cover letters to allow them to not provide what one asks for and yet not be lying. There was obviously a passport issued to Stanley Ann (whatever name she used to get it) prior to 1965. I was under the impression that passport records kept and filed by name were kept virtually forever.
Some very interesting question are now raised:
  • One comment on this site says:
    The National Archives states on its website: "Passport applications can be an excellent source of genealogical information, especially about foreign-born individuals. The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has passport applications from Oct. 1795-Mar. 1925; the U.S. Department of State has passport applications from Apr. 1925 to the present."

    If Ann's passport records were destroyed, then how do you explain the National Archives stating, "the U.S. Department of State has passport applications from Apr. 1925 to the present."
    Another comment says:
    One more thing: states:

    "Passport Records for Issuances 1925 – Present Requesting Your Own Record: Passport Services maintains United States passport records for passports issued from 1925 to the present."

    It doesn't sound like such records have ever been destroyed.
  • Why did she need a passport at age 18? (Listen to the Bill Cunningham Radio Show for how it was likely done.)
  • Also in this passport applications file is revealed the exact date of her marriage to Lolo Soetoro--but why are there two conflicting dates AND locations? Either way, each of the differing dates could have allowed for Obama to have been legally adopted by Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii at age 5 or under:
    Children legally adopted at age 5 and under have their new citizenship governed by the international Hague Convention Treaty on adopting children of which the USA is a signatory. That is likely why Obama alludes to his being age 6 when those Indonesian records are discussed in regards to when his step-father "adopted" him and saying that the adoption occurred in Indonesia.
  • FOIA documents "Amend to Include (Exclude) Children" contains the handwritten name of her son Barack Hussein Obama--but right below it a weird name or phrase spelled and in parenthesis as (Soebarkah) [Update: Elsewhere on the web this name is being spelled "Saebarkah"]... but then the whole thing is crossed off!

UPDATE: Inconsistencies found in passport applications released by State Department for Obama’s alleged mother...

UPDATE #2: Is liberal power elite ready to pull the plug on Obama and side with Hillary?

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