Sunday, August 29, 2010

Are you Islamo-nauseous?

Doug Giles spells out with Windex-like clarity how our cousins across the pond fell under the PC spell, got neutered and now have a Muslim mess on their hands... and he doesn't want what happened in Londonistan to happen to us here!
America, if being a bigot means that:

- I can’t listen to my gut,

- or suspect their motives,

- or wonder aloud how wrong it is to have a Mosque built in close proximity to such a calamity,

- or I’m disallowed to question and connect the dots with Rauf’s radical associations and statements,

- or if I do not want what has happened in Europe to ever happen here where we lose our national identity and liberties by propping up their preposterous wishes...

...then I guess I might be a bigot. However, I prefer a tag of my own choosing, namely, “Islamo-nauseous,” as I am sick of them talking smack about our country while demanding everything from it.

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