Thursday, July 22, 2010

WARNING: Be very careful around the "firestick plant "

From Christianity Today
July 22, 2010 9:25AM

Rick Warren: My Eyes Were Severely Burned (Updated)

by Sarah Pulliam Bailey

Rick Warren just tweeted: My eyes were severely burned by a toxic poison.Hospitalized Mon.Excruciating pain.Now home.Pray my sight loss is restored

Update (11 a.m. Central):

Warren was pruning a firestick plant in his yard on Monday when he got some of the sap from the plant on his hands, according to his publicist, A. Larry Ross. "He went to wipe his brow and immediately experienced excruciating pain in both eyes," Ross said. "His wife came running out, and it was so painful, he couldn’t articulate what happened."

His wife Kay called 911, and an emergency vehicle transferred him to Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo where he saw an eye specialist. Warren was kept overnight and released Tuesday.

He is wearing protective contact lenses and using ointment, and doctors expect a full recovery, Ross said. Ross said that Warren did not lose his eyesight, but was unable to open his eyes. "Thankfully, he’s seeing well enough to be able to tweet," he said.

After his initial tweet, Warren tweeted: Thank you for prayers for my eyes. Another doctor visit this PM. May God use this pain for His Glory. Rom.8:28

Last year, Warren was working on a book called The Hope You Need (Zondervan), delayed it so he could write the curriculum for his church membership program. Amazon lists the release date for The Hope You Need on November 16, but Ross was unsure when it will be released.

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