Thursday, July 22, 2010


From HillBuzz:
It was interesting to see Ben Smith, from, listed as a member of Journolist — the committed Obama operatives in the Media who banded together to make sure negative stories about their Lightbringer were quashed while attacks were coordinated to label anyone opposing Obama “RAAACIST” during the 2008 campaign.

We had a brief encounter with Smith during September and October of 2008, where he repeatedly refused to run a story we were involved in that would have damaged Obama and drawn closer attention to his continued and longstanding ties to terrorist bomber William Ayers.

Here in Chicago, we’re friends with a woman who used to give the Obama girls swimming lessons. She, and others who worked in the Obama/Rezko Mansion for various projects and assignments, was a source for a lot of what we know about The Lightbringer personally (his affinity for men, his Parkinson’s disease, his chain-smoking and continued drug use, etc.). Between people who’d worked for the City with Michelle, people who attended Trinity United with the Obamas, and people who lived and worked in Hyde Park near the Obama/Rezko Mansion, we collected many anecdotes that raised a lot of questions about the man the Media was pushing to be our next president…if any journalist wanted to follow any of these leads.

The McCain campaign approached us with a story they had on Obama, which needed a second source to confirm. They had found a young woman in Hyde Park who had played with the older Obama girl on occasion, and knew about babysitting William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn did for the Obama girls. The young woman was the daughter of a McCain supporter in Hyde Park (probably the only McCain supporter in Hyde Park), and was barely a teenager. The McCain camp went to Ben Smith with this story, but he refused to look into it because the only witness to the Ayers/Dohrn babysitting operation was a teenaged girl who happened to be the daughter of a McCain supporter.

We were charged with finding someone else who could verify that Ayers/Dohrn babysat the Obama girls. We brought their old swimming instructor up, and Ben Smith shot that person (now a respected advertising executive) down because she, too, was a Republican and a McCain supporter. So, Ben Smith refused to do a write-up on the Ayers/Dorhn babysitting…despite getting two different people who didn’t know each other to verify that this happened on more than one occasion.

When you look at a map of the Hyde Park area, you see Louis Farrakhan, the Obama/Rezko Mansion, and the William Ayers residence in very close proximity to one another…about as close to each other as The Gap, Banana Republic, and Express are to each other in a typical suburban mall. Walking distance. So close, young children could easily walk between the houses without parents worrying about them.

It was impossible to prod the Media into doing any sort of investigative story on Obama, in any way, shape, or form. Ben Smith was not the only reporter we went to with this story. But, he’s the most memorable because he kept playing games with us. ”Get me someone else, someone more important, someone who is not a Republican, and I’ll do the story,” he said. Which made us waste a great deal of time running through contacts and leads trying to do the work of actual reporters, trying to flesh out this story.

To this day, the majority of people in Chicago won’t talk about the Obamas, for fear of their careers being ruined. The Left is vindictive and irrational. Anyone seen as working against Dr. Utopia, The Lightbringer, must be taken out. People are afraid to talk, and will probably remain that way until Obama leaves office. At which time, we expect all the flood gates to open. Secrets can’t be hidden forever.

Ultimately, every “journalist” involved with Journolist or who otherwise served as an Obama operative in 2008 will be exposed, and their careers will be ruined.

We hope the public makes the connection that absent the Journolist members and the support they gave Obama, perhaps he would not have been elected and then maybe many in the public would still have gainful employment in an economy that was not deliberately ruined so our wealth could be redistributed.

We hope the public’s ire is turned full-blast at people like Ben Smith. That’s long overdue.
Our experience with Journolist member (and committed Obama operative) Ben Smith during the 2008 general election

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