Monday, July 12, 2010

Race war cheerleader Michelle Obama shows us what the Obama administration is really all about

Charles Manson, cult leader and convicted serial killer of the 1960's, used to preach race war and tried to incite it...Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's politics of the "Twelfth Imam" require CREATING mass bloodshed to usher in the 'Mahdi', the ultimate savior of mankind...and now our First Lady who is the total antithesis of Laura Bush: Michelle Obama Rouses NAACP Before Vote Condemning 'Racist' Elements of Tea Party

The Tea Party represents Americans who want to return to the principles of our Constitution and of our Founding Fathers. By relentlessly insisting, against all evidence, that we are racist can only imply that the NAACP and their supporters intend on pressing for a race war as a way of achieving their political goals. Shame on them. And shame on Michelle Obama using her position to facilitate this kind of division in our country.

Or are they just playing the game of race "chicken" with us, hoping that we'll just give in to their agenda and abandon the U.S. Constitution as "reparations" for all of our sins?

Do their ends really justify their means?


  1. Isn't it a shame that the issue of race has been set back so many years by those who claim to have moved on from the racism of the past.

    The silence of the Obama's on this issue is the most obvious racist strategy of all. They fool no one.

    Anyway, keep up the good work, Igstarr.

  2. "For the first time in my adult life,..." a first "lady" has not only publicly taken a controversial stand, but a demagogic and racist one at that.

    Truly, the Obama's have brought a new low to White House politicking.

