Thursday, July 22, 2010

Race payday for Obama administration

The Paycheck Fairness Act:
"(B) based on the results of the survey and consultations under subparagraph (A), issue regulations to provide for the collection of pay information data from employers as described by the sex, race, and national origin of employees."
The National Association of Manufacturers issued a statement about the bill in April:
“The Paycheck Fairness Act, which purports to prevent instances of illegal gender-based discrimination, could outlaw many legitimate practices employers use to set employee pay rates, even where there is no evidence of intentional discrimination and employers act with reasonable belief that their pay policies are lawful,” the statement said.

“Manufacturers strongly oppose unlawful discrimination in any form, but the Paycheck Fairness Act would impose unparalleled government control over how employees are paid, among even the nation’s smallest businesses,” it added.

“It would drastically alter the Equal Pay Act to allow unprecedented penalties of unlimited punitive and compensatory damages in cases of alleged discrimination,” the statement said.
White House Backs Bill to Collect Employee Pay Information from Businesses

So the extortion and mafioso-style Chicago tactics continue on in Washington unabated, vaguely disguised, this time, as a political bribe for women in the workplace...

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