Thursday, July 22, 2010

Ever wonder why 2008 VP candidate Sarah Palin was so ridiculed before much was known about her?

Turns out liberal journalists engaged in a coordinated smear campaign to aid the Democratic ticket. . .journalists from the Nation, Mother Jones, Time, Politico, Bloomberg cooking up approaches, arguments, "narratives" and templates to paint a false picture of the candidate.

There are so many things wrong with this, we hardly know where to start. Nominally competitors, these supposedly impartial media mavens colluded in a way that would put airline or insurance officials in the dock for anti-competitive practices. They engaged in activism instead of fact-finding and mixed incestuously with activists whom they also should have been covering impartially.

Worst of all, they deprived millions of Americans of the information they needed to size up this new face on the political scene and determine if she really was a candidate who represented their interests.
JournoGate Continued: Pouncing On Palin

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