Thursday, July 29, 2010

Does anyone have answers about George Soros?

Question from ORLY TAITZ

Posted on | July 29, 2010
There are some things that really bother me about this whole situation with Obama methodically destroying oil and gas and coal industries in US, particularly off shore oil drilling, while giving a large loan to a company in Brazil, where Soros is a major stock holder.

Did anyone notice that Soros seems to be methodically attacking nations, that were victorious in World War 2. He became a de facto financial persona non grata in Great Britain after he speculated on pound sterling in black September and caused billions of dollars of damage to British treasury.He was convicted of insider trading in France. (He is appealing in international court though). He caused significant damages manipulating Russian ruble and now he brought this Kenyan communist puppet to destroy US economy.

I looked at his past and it provides even more questions than answers.

After World War 2, whern most European Jews were destitute and starving, he made money trading gold and currency. He was 15-17 years old. Where did a Jewish kid after World War Holocast get gold and currency to trade? He later studied in London School of Economics. Again, were did a poor Jewish kid get money to go to London and study in an expensive private school. People were impoverished then. I know that my family lived in a one room shack, heated with wood and coal and an outhouse after World War 2, and they were thankful to be alive.

I also saw an article published recently. It was an article about Raul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat, who saved thousands of Hungarian Jews from sure extermination. He was arrested by Russians after WW2 in Budapest. There were rumors and reports about Wallenberg being alive much longer after he was reported dead. There were eyewitness reports of him living in GULAG years after his reported death. This recent article stated that indeed Wallenberg was alive for years after his reported death. Why the charade? Why was he kept alive but reported dead? Was he kept alive as an eyewitness? As a currency, as an insurance policy? Insurance to what? Did Wallenberg know Soros and his family while in Budapest? Did this article have anything to do with the recent expedient spy swap? At this point I have more questions than answers. Does anyone have answers?

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