Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Obama's relying on the public's ignorance: Most people don't realize that in the U.S., oil isn't counted as part of our "reserves" unless it is legally available for drilling...

From PowerLine:
...Thus, ANWR, to take one of many examples, isn't counted toward the total "reserves." The U.S. government could cause our reserves to skyrocket overnight by opening new areas, on land and in shallow water, to drilling. But the U.S. is the only country in the world that has deliberately chosen not to develop its own energy resources. No one else is that dumb.
Obama's Long Noise

The "addiction" meme is moronic. We are not addicted to oil, we make a rational decision to use it because it is the most efficient and versatile energy source on this planet. If the federal government artificially inflates the price of fossil fuels through taxation and thereby forces Americans to use less desirable sources of energy, while at the same time other countries continue to use more efficient fossil fuels, it will raise the relative price of all American products and devastate our economy. Is it possible that Barack Obama does not know this? I'm not sure; his grasp of even the most basic economic principles seems shaky at best.

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