Tuesday, June 01, 2010

A majority of the arrested “peace activists” who brutally attacked the Israeli soldiers have links to terror groups including Al-Qaeda

Shocker. Arrested Gaza Flotilla “Peace Activists” Are Al-Qaeda Members

Israeli Soldier Describes Attack By ‘Peace Activists’: “They Wanted to Kill Us… Each One With a Knife In His Hand”
The Israeli soldier who was stabbed, beaten and thrown off the deck of the Mavi Marmara Gaza Flotilla ship described the attack by the terror-linked ‘peace activists’ to the Israeli media.

Here again is video of the Israeli soldier being stomped on, beaten, stabbed and thrown from the upper deck
The media perpetually spins anti-America and anti-Israel on everything, despite fact, visual evidence, testament, or sheer logic. Their motives cannot be good, or in line with the country as founded, or with Judaeo-Christian values. Period.

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