Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Kagan lied; people died.

My God, are we really going to end up with a terrorist-enabling, baby-killing, lying excuse for a human being and upholder-of-the-law on our U.S. Supreme Court?

Kagan flat lied about the clear wording of a law that goes to the very heart of our ability to use the courts to combat Islamic terrorism, and thanks to the Court's failure to review this crucial case, the simple wording and intent of Congress—that foreign states whose actions do injury in the United States can be sued for those injuries—has now been undone, as if the law had never been passed.
Kagan lied to Supreme Court in 9/11 case, should be disbarred

The Kagan Smoking Gun – Elena Kagan fudged the results of a study on partial birth abortion in order to justify the procedure in court.
Kagan Fudged Study Results to Justify Partial Birth Abortion in Court

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