Monday, June 28, 2010

KABA: What it really means


I received this today from Robert A. Gismondi--a very well-informed, experienced, ex-Army guy:

McDonald vs. Chicago has been decided in favor of McDonald. Now honest citizens can be armed in Chicago, instead of just criminals. (McDonald is an elderly black man living in Chicago, who has been menaced by criminals.)

I checked CNN when Fox went to commercial and who should appear but Jeffrey Toobin. He said that this decision reverses the opinions of legal scholars, apparently for the last 40 years. What Jeffrey, like Zerobama, does not seem to know, is that before then, when the socialist/collectivist/statist/fascists began to take control of public education, universities, law schools, and the media, it had been understood since the founding of our nation (actually it pre-dates the founding) that there is an individual right to KABA. In England, the right was recognized, as long as you were not Roman Catholic. Later, the right was extended to them as well. Of course, that was then.

The extent of "liberal" lies never fails to impress me!

The usual suspects reporting indicate that the Supremes have "extended" the right to KABA. That is male bovine exrementum. They extended nothing; they merely explicitly recognized what was common understanding for hundreds of years.

Even the WSJ has its biases (on the news side.) I expect that the NRA, fast mover that it is, will have a report, oh, perhaps Friday or Saturday.

For Cah-lee-FWAR-nya, there will be many lawsuits, as a result of the decision. The fascists are like Islamist terrorists; they are fanatics, and never give up.

However, I think this ruling invalidates, generally, the requirement in Cah-lee-FWAR-nya to lock up firearms. If you cannot have access to your piece, it does no good.

As everyone knows, the Fourteenth Amendment extended all individual rights to freed slaves, including the right to KABA. And, it explicitly applied to the states. Associate Justice Alito's majority opinion made a point of that concept.
. . . The right to keep and bear arms is enforceable against the States because it is a privilege of American citizenship recognized by §1 of the Fourteenth Amendment, which provides, inter alia: “’No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States.’”

Majority Decision, Justice Alito

The complete decision:

A brief article:

Real "Gun Control" means: A good stance, proper grip, the right sight picture, and smooth trigger technique.

After reading it, I happened upon this cool site:

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