Thursday, May 20, 2010

Think the Blagojevich guilty plea is mainly about selling Obama's senate seat?

Think again...
“We have a trial, a story, about Rod Blagojevich, his numerous corrupt cronies including Tony Rezko, Stuart Levine, Barack Obama and a host of others involved in long time crime and corruption in Chicago and IL. We have a story, far bigger and more far reaching than Watergate. We have a story including businessmen, attorneys, state and local officials, the Governor of Illinois, the occupant of the White House and his long time associates, and it is barely being covered by the mainstream media. And worse than that, it is being covered up. Even our last refuge of information access, the internet, is being manipulated.”

“The second Superseding Indictment of Rod Blagojevich is 113 pages long. Tony Rezko’s Superceding Indictment is 65 pages.”

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