Sunday, May 23, 2010

Shocking new evidence emerging: Obama (and Rahm) on the down low?

  1. Someone in the national media is finally interested in Man’s Country in Andersonville.
    This has to be cloak-and-dagger for the time being, because though we’ve not been sworn to secrecy on the project, we’re not at liberty to talk in depth about what we did yesterday, which was in response to one of the occasional requests we get from members of the media for background info on stories they’re doing.

    Normally, it’s foreign journalists who get in touch with us when they’re in Chicago and want to go to the Southside to see how terrible it is, and talk about how Obama did absolutely jack squat for it as either a state senator or US Senator, and hasn’t used any of his particular brand of unicorn horn magic to improve it (or the black community residing there) since the illustrious Golden Age of Hope and Change began on January 20th, 2009.

    But, this time it was a US reporter who wanted information on Man’s Country in Andersonville, which is a place both Obama and Rahm Emanuel frequented in the past. Obama until 2002 or so, and Emanuel through 2008, according to what we’ve been told. We spent a good amount of time on the ground in Uptown, Boystown, Andersonville, and Hyde Park yesterday with this reporter, also telling him everything we knew about Trinity United Church of Christ and the Down-Low Club it operated under Jeremiah Wright’s supervision/matchmaking.

    What prompted this sudden interest in stories we’ve been hearing since 2004, when Obama first came onto the national scene, is the fact that at least one national journalist also thinks it’s odd — as we have been repeatedly saying — that The Enquirer, The Globe, and other papers have been so wildly gung-ho about reporting on old Vera Baker affair rumors pertaining to Obama…and how all of this comes on the heels of Kal Penn’s sudden and abrupt expulsion from the White House.

    Something is definitely fishy.

    Why the sudden need to portray this current president as an insatiably heterosexual stud who just can’t get enough women?
  2. What was Kal Penn doing at Dupont Circle after midnight?
    ...Kal Penn, who strangely was lifted from Hollywood and given a prominent position in the Obama Administration (where his chief responsibility seems to have been working to illegally use the National Endowment for the Arts to create Obama-praising, Baathist grade propaganda “artworks”), was apparently robbed at gunpoint at Dupont Circle after midnight the other night.

    That would be like us reading a story about a guy being robbed at gunpoint, in Chicago, at the corner of Roscoe and Halsted after midnight one night.

    What was that guy doing there?

    Not scoping hot chicks and chasing skirts, that’s for damn sure.

    Dupont Circle is the DC equivalent of Boystown...

    It’s just really, really strange Penn was ever picked to be part of this administration. Why him? He had no skills. He’s not even a famous actor, like a George Clooney or a Brad Pitt. Now, Reagan made Shirley Temple and some old western stars ambassadors, because he had a personal relationship with them…and, actually, they were some of our best diplomats ever, because their acting skills and experience with the press and public made them naturals.

    But, Kal Penn?

    What made him qualified to be part of that NEA scheme? The whole thing is just so strange.

    From what we understand, Obama personally wanted this man around in the West Wing, for whatever reason.

    Just like Obama demanded his longtime “bodyman”, Reggie Love, work as his “personal aide” in his White House.

    Add Rahm Emanuel, and all his untalked about exploits into this mess, and the West Wing starts to feel a lot like Eric Massa’s Congressional frat house or Barney Frank’s basement.

    We never thought twice about Penn before, except to wonder why on Earth he was courted by this president…but this Dupont Circle business adds a new light to things.
  3. The National Enquirer is doing the job that the mainstream media has failed to do...

  4. Blagojevich trial, Obama Levine ties, Stuart Levine must testify
    Next during the Tony Rezko trial, key witness Stuart Levine, a long time drug user, explained how he regularly entertained male friends in Springfield, the IL state capital, as well as in the Chicago area.

    Is this one of the reasons Obama has kept hidden his IL Senate records?

    From the Tony Rezko Trial

    Remember, the IL State Capital is Springfield.

    Tales of the ‘Purple Hotel’
There's obviously more coming from Citizen Wells and HillBuzz and the National Enquirer...yowza!

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