Friday, May 07, 2010

Republicans get balls...finally!

Republicans are so determined to stop what they say is abusive and unlawful expansion of the federal government under President Obama that they are willing to abdicate power to the states to do it.

Taking its cue from the Bill of Rights, the Republican Study Committee, a group of conservative House Republicans, says that the 10th Amendment dictates that initiatives such as the health care reform law and other massive government programs are the business of state governments, not Washington.

So the RSC this week announced that it had formed a 10th Amendment task force to help "usher in a new era of federalism" and to work to disperse power from Washington back to regions, states and local governments.
Read more

And from Dr. Jack Wheeler []
Other folks to keep your eye on is the collection of very heavy hitters with very deep pockets organized as the Coalition for Responsible Regulation (CRR). They have banded together to spend whatever it takes on the savviest Washington law firms to tie the EPA and its greenie supporters like Greenpeace and the Sierra Club into legal knots.

Here is one of their legal challenges to the EPA (it's worth reading entire). There will be plenty more. As Greenpeace is warning its members, the CRR is "powerfully organized and rich. They have all the tools and all the lawyers, and they are going to do all they can to stop carbon regulation."
Coalition for Responsible Regulation (CRR) - one of their legal challenges to the EPA.

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