Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Muslim Scum to Build Mosque Steps Away from the 9/11 Site

In a stunning insult to the families of the 9/11 victims Muslim scum are planning the construction of the Cordoba House, a mosque and cultural center. It will be built just steps from the 9/11 site where 3000 people lost their lives when jihadists flew planes into the Twin Towers.

Imam Feisel Abdul Rauf, who helped found the Cordoba Initiative following the 9/11 attacks, said the project is intended to foster better relations between the West and Muslims. We at Neville feel safer already

For those not in the know, Cordoba was the capital of the Islamic Emirate of Al-Andalus (Andalusia) in Spain, seized by Muslim invaders from Africa in 711 and recaptured by Spanish Christians under Ferdinand III of Castille in 1236. What better indication could there be of the Islamic intent to make America a Moslem Al-Andalus Emirate?

And in an amazing display of "dhimmitude" the 12 enablers (not one of them a Muslim) at the New York City Municipal Authority voted unanimously to approve the Cordoba mosque.

"I think it will be a wonderful asset to the community," said committee Chairman and chief idiot Ro Sheffe. No doubt that the mosque will be used to stockpile weapons.

Again for those not in the know, religious and cultural imperialism is what Muslims do, who believe they are under the command of Allah to conduct jihad upon infidels. The cowards among the infidels who submit to Muslims are called dhimmis, roughly translated from the Arabic as "useful idiots."
Read more...and watch the video which has footage you have never seen before of 9/11...

Join Pamela Geller (Atlas Shrugs), Robert Spencer, Nonie Darwish, Anders Gravers, James Lafferty, 911 families, SIOA, SIOE, Tea parties, and thousands of Americans at Ground Zero to



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