Friday, May 28, 2010

The Joe Sestak admission that brother and campaign strategist Richard Sestak is coordinating a future Sestak response with the White House is certain to increase calls for a special prosecutor. It launches a whole news series of questions:

From American Spectator: Sestak: Brother Collaborating With White House

From a friend who sent me this article:
Important to remember that the road to Nixon's resignation to avoid certain impeachment began with a botched burglary at a then insignificant, little known building named The Watergate. Nixon went down not because of the break-in caper, but because he violated the constitution during the cover-up. Obamby is now in the cover-up stage, which may indeed lead to freeing America of 'our long national nightmare.' He's an incompetent, sleazy pol surrounded by sleazy Chicago thugs, and this is about to become - at last - frontpage news, despite the MSM's effort to protect this cabal.
Free at last...?

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