Sunday, May 30, 2010

In-country on Memorial Day

Memorial Day 2010 - More up and More down
On Monday, Americans will go to the lake or the park, they will eat hot dogs, bratwurst and hamburgers. There will be parades, fireworks and concerts. Please enjoy this Holiday which marks the beginning of summer. Just remember that my fellow Soldiers and I will spend the day running convoys, kicking down doors, training Iraqis and doing whatever else Uncle Sam requires of us in this war zone. As our Battalion Commander reiterated recently after an Explosively Formed Projectile attack missed killing two of our Soldiers by less than a second, “The enemy is still out there and he still gets a vote on what happens.” We will gladly do our part for the country we all dearly love, and all that we ask is that you recognize our fallen, rejoice in the triumphs those sacrifices have bought, and never forget those of us still fighting.

SGT Kruize’s unit, the Forward Support Company, 367th Engineer Battalion’s motto - “First Up, Last Down.”

God Bless America
Army Strong

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