Sunday, May 30, 2010

Don't ask how much it costs to repeal 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' took this dumb grunt about three hours (a journalism intern could have done it in half that) scanning FEC filings to learn all that I need to know about Patrick Murphy: His congressional seat was bought and paid for by to the tune of $90,000 dollars. You know, the group that brought you such patriotic hits as “General Betray-us.” Still outraged?...

Ask Medal of Honor-winning gunfighters that have had to kill people for a living what they think of this nonsense, not armchair quarterbacks in air-conditioned Quonset huts sipping diet Cokes and i-chatting on Skype. Real grunts, like Major General Livingston, USMC (retired), will tell you what the active guys can’t say: this repeal of DADT is a bunch of PC BS.
Read the whole thing

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