Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Oklahoma City bombing was an Arab/Muslim terrorist attack on the United States

The Real Story of the Oklahoma City Bombing

Roger Aronoff, AIM.org

While liberal news outlets such as MSNBC were cynically exploiting the April 19 anniversary of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing by attempting to tie the terrorist attack to the anti-government sentiments of the modern-day Tea Party movement, investigative reporter Jayna Davis was setting the record straight in an exclusive interview on the AIM radio show, Take AIM. The Oklahoma City bombing was an Arab/Muslim terrorist attack on the United States, she says.

Davis, author of a blockbuster book on the attack, The Third Terrorist, has examined and presented the evidence showing that Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh was in fact a front man for Middle Eastern terrorists. The third terrorist, in addition to the two, McVeigh and Terry Nichols, who were convicted, was an Arab. This was the mysterious "John Doe" who was never found. But other members of an Arab terrorist network were involved, she says.

She says the evidence was ignored and dismissed because the Clinton Administration didn't want to go to war with Iraq, the likely culprit, and wanted to blame the attack on domestic right-wingers for political reasons.

The implications of what Davis has to say are that the case is still unsolved, that the FBI blew it, and that we may still be vulnerable to Arab terrorists infiltrating the U.S. and killing hundreds or thousands of innocent Americans.

Indeed, Davis suggested in her AIM interview that another attack on American soil may be coming, perhaps from the same networks which sponsored McVeigh.

Liberal media like MSNBC have peddled the false notion that McVeigh was motivated by domestic hatred of the government, and that the Tea Party movement is motivated by the same. Hence, by extension, the Tea Party movement will probably spawn anti-government fanatics who will kill people. This claim justifies government repression of anti-Obama political dissidents who may in fact be entirely peaceful and simply exercising their constitutional rights.

One of the problems with the MSNBC narrative is that Davis makes a convincing case that in fact McVeigh "was a handpicked dupe, set up to take the fall in order to save his Islamic collaborators from prosecution." She documents that he had expressed a desire to be a mercenary for Middle Eastern terrorists, and that the trail of evidence that both he and his accomplice Terry Nichols left behind points in the direction of an Arab/Muslim connection to the attack.

Indeed, Davis portrays Oklahoma City as one in a series of attacks engineered by foreign enemies of the United States that includes the 1993 World Trade Center bombing as well as the 9/11 attacks themselves.

Over the years, Accuracy in Media has run numerous stories about Davis, her evidence, and other reports indicating a Middle Eastern connection to the Oklahoma City bombing. Wes Vernon wrote a 2007 AIM Report on the obstacles confronted by Davis as she tried to tell the story in the media, including on television.

Read more


From Accuracy in Media: Take AIM: Jayna Davis on OKC Third Terrorist

The Third Terrorist: The Middle East Connection to the Oklahoma City Bombing

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