Friday, April 09, 2010

How the left is planning on destroying the Tea Party

Here it is:
It's amazing that these people can't tolerate differing opinions and want to spend their time in such negative pursuits, but this has always been the hallmark of the totalitarian mind. Judge them by their fruits...and by their leaders.

Nothing good has come from them, and nothing resembling what a free nation is supposed to be.

Tea Partiers are disgusted at the trend of increasing government control over people's lives and we all know that it has been going on a long time. In that respect, perhaps the citizens of this country can be faulted, but critical mass has now been reached and there is no turning back.

Their plan will make things more difficult, perhaps, but will not stop us.

What will they do, pretend to be conservatives and run for office? I don't think any of these type of people are smart enough for that!

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