Saturday, March 27, 2010

Henry Adams: 3/27/1918

President John Adams' son, John Quincy Adams, was U.S. Minister to Russia. In September 1811, John Quincy Adams wrote from St. Petersburg to his son, Charles: "My dear Son...You mentioned that you read to your aunt a chapter in the Bible...every evening. This information gave me real pleasure..." John Quincy Adams continued: "So great is my veneration for the Bible, and so strong my belief, that when duly read and meditated on, it is of all books in the world, that which contributes most to make men good, wise, and happy-that the earlier my children begin to read it...the more lively and confident will be my hopes that they will prove useful citizens of their country." This correspondence was published after his death as Letters of John Quincy Adams to his son, on the Bible and its Teachings.

President John Quincy Adams' grandson was Henry Adams, an American historian. From his unique perspective of being related to some of America's founders, Henry Adams, who died MARCH 27, 1918, wrote in his 9-volume work, History of the United States: "The Pilgrims of Plymouth, the Puritans of Boston, the Quakers of Pennsylvania, all avowed a moral purpose, and began by making institutions that consciously reflected a moral idea."

American Minute with Bill Federer


  1. In 1811, John Quincy Adams was most likely writing to his son, George Washington Adams who had been left in America. Son, Charles Francis was with his mother and father in St. Petersburg. There, JQA describes his difficulty in teaching young Charles his the alphabet: “His eyes fly over the page; when I am pointing at one letter, he insists upon looking at another, upon turning the leaf, hunting for a picture, upon anything but naming the letter to which I point! I find the same thing in myself, it is the greatest and perhaps the only cause which has found the voyage of my life in the shallows. True Genius is nothing but the power of applying the mind to its object.”
    from - John Quincy Adams: A Spirit Unconquerable!

  2. Mr. Cooke, I forwarded your comment to Mr. Federer and here is his response to me:

    Great information.

    Thank you for sending it.

    I appreciate you.


    Bill Federer
