Thursday, March 18, 2010

4 more things you can do to stop the Democrats' health care bill

From Tea Party Patriots

There are 4 more actions you can take regarding stopping government takeover of health care.

1. Many people are emailing us requesting we be available in DC on Saturday, March 20. For that reason we will be back in DC on Capitol Hill Saturday, March 20 at 10:00 am, we are asking for those who can come to DC, to come back. We will have a brief rally and then divide up to go walk the halls of Congress. Before the House vote on government takeover of health care in November, there are lots of government health care advocates walking the halls of Congress keeping track of how the Congressmen would vote. We are asking you to do the same. You are the ordinary citizen not a lobbyist or other special interest. They are elected to represent you. They need to be reminded one last time who you are and why you do not want this bill to pass.

2. Keep calling and visiting the local district offices of the targeted Congressmen. We have been advised that 6 - 10 constituents visiting an office in 1 day is a lot. If you are a constituent or know someone who is a constituent of those who are undecided on the health care bill, stop in their office and tell them why you want them to vote no.

3. Call your Governor, State Senator, and State Representative. Ask them if they have told the Congressmen to vote no on health care. Remind them that they have political influence and you want them to exercise it.

4. If you are in the Fairfax, VA area Friday morning very early and want to watch President Obama speak or to protest outside of where he will be speaking, contact Diana Reimer ( President Obama will be speaking at the Patriot Center at George Mason University. Tickets are not required for this event which seats 10,000 people and is first come first serve. The President will be speaking about government takeover of health care

Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Mike Gaske, Rob Gaudet, Ryan Hecker, Jenny Beth Martin, Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman

Visit Tea Party Patriots at:

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