Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Plains Radio Network has resumed broadcasting

"Plains Radio began in the wake of the disenfranchisement of many Democrats who felt that Barack Obama received preferential treatment in the primaries, among them Ed Hale. A Hillary Clinton supporter..."
(Jan. 31, 2010) — Plains Radio Network has resumed broadcasting after a four-month hiatus. Popular internet radio hosts Ed and Caren Hale took to the airwaves for the first time on Monday, January 18, 2010 since going dark on September 12, 2009...

In addition to operating Plains Radio and TV, the Hales have a 160-acre farm, 90 acres of which is in cultivation to support their 22 head of cattle.

A lifelong Democrat, Hale states of today’s party, “They’re not Democrats; they’re socialists!” He said his first question of anyone running for public office is “How do you feel about the Constitution?” Based on the answer he receives, his second question is “Why should I vote for you?”

On their website, which Ed and Caren maintain themselves, photos of upcoming featured guests can be found as well as a link to the video side of their business, www.redrivernewsonline.com.
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