Friday, February 19, 2010


Bill Clinton Plotting Tea Party Counterattack

Dear Fellow Tea Party Patriots,

Andrew Breitbart is reporting that former President Bill Clinton and James Carville are planning a counter offensive against the tea party movement. According to, their plans are to identify 7- 8 national figures active in the tea party movement and engage in a smear campaign against them. You can read more on Clinton's plans at the link below.

Clinton Plans

Clearly, the liberals, and especially Bill Clinton, still do not yet understand the tea party movement, which began 1 year ago this week with the Porkulus Protest in Seattle and Rick Santelli's rant in Chicago. The tea party movement has tens of thousands of leaders across this great land, not just 7 or 8. There are patriots shining the light of fiscal responsibility, free markets and constitutionally limited government from shore to shore.

Our leaders are tea party organizers, patriots that make phone calls and send emails to their elected officials, bloggers, and activists that take time out of their lives to attend tea parties, the list goes on and on. We are the sleeping majority that has awakened.

The tea party movement is like a starfish with many legs. You cut one of us off, and another will grow to take their place.

We patriots know that we are fighting for the principles that our freedom loving nation was founded on. We are just ordinary people reclaiming America's founding principles. We are a diverse group that comes from every walk of life and ethnic background. We all have one thing in common and that is we love freedom - economic freedom and freedom from big government and massive government deficits.

We have decided to go on the offensive and make it easy for former President Clinton and James Carville to identify tea party leaders. We have created a web site for you to upload videos to. We hope to collect videos from thousands of patriots telling former President Clinton and James Carville that they are tea party leaders. Film the videos at home, soccer fields, grocery stores and other locations that are indicative of the diversity of the tea party movement. There is strength in numbers.

Record your video saying only "I am the tea party leader". Please do not make any statement other than the one listed or it will not be posted. Upload your video to the web site below. Visit the web site to view videos of other patriots and to find out more information.


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