Thursday, February 04, 2010

Healthcare: They're Not Giving Up!

They're Not Giving Up - According to a Senate leadership aide, senators are aiming to make a decision about how to proceed on health care by the end of this week. The stark political reality is that "most Democrats have already voted for the bill, making them more invested in finishing the job." Unfortunately, for many Democratic legislators, bad policy passed may be better than bad policy abandoned - regardless of how that policy affects most Americans.

Neither Are We! - Thanks to your continued support, the NCPA is prepared to launch three successive waves of targeted communication to fence-sitting members of Congress. These waves include:
  • The Opening Salvo - Contact the Stupak Supporters: Sixty-four House Democrats supported the Stupak (abortion) amendment - legislation that doesn't exist in the Senate version and is unlikely to make it through on reconciliation. As such, these House members might vote against government-run health care if convinced.
  • The Second Blast: Write the Disloyal Opposition. Sixteen House Democrats opposed the overall bill but voted for it on partisan lines. They're ripe for well-placed letters, phone calls, emails and member visits.
  • The Knock-Out Blow: Collar the Blue Dogs. Eleven House Democrats are self-described moderates. While they supported the bill during Round 1, Round 15 is getting close-and they may be ready for "change we can believe in."
The First Wave Begins! This week many of you have received or will soon receive a personal request from me, asking you to write your representative in Congress. You're fortunate: as a constituent of an undecided House member, you are in a position to have a particularly significant impact on the future of our nation's health care! Please let your voice be heard:
  • Go to Free Our Health Care NOW!
  • Enter your personal information and click TAKE ACTION!
  • You can write a letter or make a phone call. You can do either; both are important!

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