Monday, January 11, 2010

The sheer absurdity of 20th century American liberals rewriting all of human history in keeping with their one idee fixe, class struggle, is a demonstration of the lasting influence of Marxist dogma on leading figures on the American left such as Howard Zinn, Michael Moore and Oliver Stone

The real secret history of America, the one that Oliver Stone would never film and Howard Zinn would never write about, is that the American left would never have had a fraction of the success that they did in the 20th century without corporate backing...And that indeed is the paradox of the left, that its attacks on the free market are so appealing precisely to those who don't work for a living, both on the corporate and the intellectual side.
From Sultan Knish: The Secret History of the Left ...and don't miss his excellent piece on Obama and the Democrats: The Great Dictator

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