Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The People's Seat

Scott Brown's powerful victory speech was punctuated by great good humor, a gracious and deserved tribute to Ted Kennedy, heartfelt thanks to friends and his family, fun with his daughters, and, crucially, a reminder of the phrase that probably sealed his election --"the people's seat."

If Democrats in the House and the Senate have ears to hear, that is the phrase they will remember from tonight as they consider the looming decisions on Obamacare.

This was not a stealth vote. The Democrat in this deep blue state did not lack for resources. The Senate Democrats provided the money. The president came on demand and cut the ads. The netroots were pulsing with unheeded appeals to voters.

The voters knew exactly what was on the line and they voted, decisively, against Obamacare. "It will raise taxes. It will hurt Medicare. It will destroy jobs. It will run us deeper into debt," Brown declared about Obamacare in his speech. "And we can do better!"

"No more closed door meetings. No more backroom deals. No more hiding costs. No more trillions in debt for our children to pay."

"We need to start fresh."

That's the message of the Massachusetts Miracle. Democrats ignore it at their political peril. If the president, the Speaker and the Majority Leader try a jam down, a political tsunami that is already forming will sweep ashore and destroy the Democratic Party for a generation.

"What happened here in Massachusetts can happen all over America," Brown said as he closed his remarks. That is what Senate and House Democrats need to hear. If they insist on ignoring the American people and dismissing their collective, great common sense, the people will retire them in great numbers.

Thank you Scott Brown, for having faith in the American voter.
Hugh Hewitt

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