Sunday, January 03, 2010

Obama's Vulnerability on Terror

More than eight years after 9/11, with the United States still at war with an enemy that attacked it on a scale not seen since Peal Harbor, U.S. national security is in the hands of a brilliant political campaigner--but a grossly inexperienced and inept leader--who has shown himself to be more comfortable quoting "the Holy Koran" than protecting the world's greatest democracy against those who seek its destruction in the name of Islam's central religious text.
Read the whole thing!
POSTSCRIPT: Pamela Geller's powerful piece on the comng, post-American, Jihad decade is another must read. Geller is the editor and publisher of Atlas Shrugs, and the author (with Robert Spencer) of the forthcoming book The Post-American Presidency: The Obama Administration's War on America (Simon and Schuster, July 2010).

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