Friday, January 22, 2010

Let us review Obama's amazingly bad one year report card, Cliff-notes style...

  • Obama's past associations with radicals, communists and Islamic Jihadist sympathizers (William Ayers, Frank Marshall Davis, Rev. Right, Rashid Khalidi).
  • TARP and the bank bailout.
  • Tax cheats in the White House cabinet.
  • The $787B stimulus package to nowhere and 10% unemployment.
  • The arrogance of the Democrat-controlled Congress not reading the plethora of 2000 page trillion dollar spending bills...and bragging about it
  • Obama's race-baiting in the Harvard Professor Louis Gates affair.
  • ClimateGate and Obama's trip to the disastrous the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.
  • The rejection of Obama and Chicago by the Olympic Committee.
  • The Restriction of executive pay by Obama's Pay Czar.
  • 35 Czars...the Obama attempt to concentrate power in the White House.
  • A $1.5 Trillion dollar deficit and $7 Trillion debt in just one year.
  • The government takeover of GM and Chrysler.
  • Endless overseas apology tours and bowing to foreign heads of state.
  • Compromising the defense of our allies in Eastern Europe and deferring to Iran on it's nuclear program
  • The Cap & Trade jam down in the House.
  • The ObamaCare jam down in the House.
  • The ObamaCare Christmas Eve jam down in the Senate along with the $300M 'Louisiana Purchase' and the 'Cornhusker Kickback', the $60M union deal, and the behind closed door reconciliation process of the House and Senate bills
  • Denigration of the Tea Party movement and the TownHallers..
  • Maoists and Communists advising Obama (Van Jones, Anita Dunn to name a few).
  • Lack of reaction to the first two successful terrorist attacks on U.S. soil since 9-11, Ft Hood and the Christmas Day Bomber.
  • Obama's neurotic obsession with closing Gitmo, giving civil rights to terrorists on the battlefield, and enabling terrorist-loving AG Eric Holder's decision to bring 9-11 terrorists Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his pals to NY for a civilian trial.
Need we say more? Would any sane person approve of this?"

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